Thursday, 28 November 2019

New Journals and Magazines with Contents at NLUJAA Library

University News
Vol.57, No.45, November 11-17, 2019

Ø Employability  and entrepreneurship in higher education programmes
Ø Indian Universities and Industry 4.0: Challenges and Opportunities
Ø Employability and entrepreneurship: A fusion of reality and uncertainty
Ø Developing entrepreneurial thinking among students of higher education institutions
Ø Delinking degree from jobs: A critic
Ø Developing employability and entrepreneurship in higher education
Ø Developing employability and entrepreneurship as cornerstones in higher education: Initiatives at Jagan Nath University
Ø How to make our curriculum conducive to make students employable
Ø Enhancing entrepreneurship and employability through education
Ø Higher education in India: entrepreneurship
Ø Skill and employability - A challenge for engineering institutions
Ø A sustainable future: Role of industry, education system and society in creating the workforce for tomorrow
Ø Effective skill learning for enhancing employability

     University News
Vol.57, No.45, November 11-17, 2019

Ø Mahatma Gandhi on the past: Its Relevance to Present and Future
Ø Cross thinking: Need of the hour for Ministry of Human Resource Development to Rejuvenate the Nation
Ø Do we let Higher Education to Fester ?: Critical Analysis and Policy Interventions on DNEP- 2019
Ø Gandhi`s Nai Talim: Examining Reasons of its Decline and possibilities of rival

Supreme Court Cases
Vol.9, No.4, November 14, 2019

Ø Commr of Customs v. Motorola (India) Ltd
Ø Faniul Khan v. State of Jharkhand
Ø Kantilal v. State of Gujrat
Ø Krishna Devi v. Maheswari v. Surendra Surekha
Ø Lakshman v. State of Karnataka
Ø Narshing Yadav v. Union of India
Ø Prem Singh v. Sukhdev Singh
Ø Satish Kumar v. State of Haryana
Ø Union of India v. Balwant Singh

Vol.LIX, No.46, November 25, 2019

Ø Ignition with a court: Distinguished as a harmless census exercise , NRC comes to Bengal as NPR
Ø Dammed if you do: Work on Subansiri hydel proect resumes after eight years
Ø Stream of Main Paradox: Politicians not separatists give up on legal resource
Ø The politricks of alliance
Ø A cat riding the roaring tiger
Ø Mapping the future
Ø The temple panchang
Ø Earth`s verdict
Ø The edifice we demolished
Ø When millions become brand ambasadors

India Today
Vol.LIX, No.46, November 25, 2019

Ø Lungfuls of smoke
Ø Power cut
Ø The isolation of Devendra Fadnavis
Ø An austere lifestyle has to begin with the CM
Ø The big phone hack
Ø An eternal light
Ø Weaponising data, the new oil
Ø Who is not a citizen
Ø The march towards centralism
Ø The enemy within
Ø Tax extraction or tax terrorism ?
Ø Decoding Hindu Rashtra
Ø Being Hindu in a Hindu Rashtra
Ø Where the mind is full of fear
Ø The guardians of civil liberty
Ø Excile and the kingdom
