Thursday, 20 February 2020

New Journals and Magazines with Contents at NLUJAA Library

Indian Bar Review
Vol.46, No.4, October -December , 2019

Ø Law and other disciplines
Ø Continuing legal education: Burden or a much needed reform?
Ø The clinic
Ø Clinical legal education in India: An analysis
Ø Clinical legal education through ADR
Ø Law degree – for effective application of law
Ø The role of continuing legal education in enhancing the legal profession in India
Ø How to make legal education in India meaningful?
Ø Clinical legal education: experimental learning through legal curriculum
Ø Majors to improve education standardize in the changing demanor
Ø Decoding Menons world of legal education
Ø Clinical legal education on the techniques of alternate dispute resolution- need and significance
Ø Clinical legal education India
Ø Legal education in India: Issues and Challenges
Ø Legal education
Ø Clinical design of legal education in India: In pursuit of existing culture of law and social justice
Ø Continuing legal education
Ø Disruptive technology and legal education
Ø Clinical legal education in India: A critical analysis
Ø Development of clinical and legal education in India
Ø Legal education: Hydrating the peach
Ø Legal education in India: Reformation and transformation
Ø The process of lifelong legal education
Ø Introduction to animal law in continuing legal education
Ø Legal education: Past, present and future
Ø Indian society and clinical legal education
Ø Justice education or legal education
Ø Legal education and challenges in India
Ø Clinical legal education revisited
Ø Educating law students: An opportunity for reforms

Gauhati Law Times
Vol.1, No.1, January , 2020
Ø Alam Ali v. Union of India
Ø Anil Kumar Khanal v. State of Meghalaya
Ø Assam Company India Ltd. V. Union of India
Ø Bimala Das v. State of Assam
Ø Depak Debnath v. State of Tripura
Ø Gollam Hussain v. State of Tripura
Ø Karabi Das v. Aparesh Das
Ø Monisha Das v. Union of India
Ø Muhi Gogoi v. State of India
Ø Sandeep Agarwal v. State of Assam
Ø Srikanta Roy v. State of Assam

Vol.1, No.1, January , 2020
Ø Management Today: Meet the new Boss
Ø Americas election: State of the democrats
Ø Hong Kong: Three Strikes
Ø Congo and Malawi: A Tale of two elections
Ø LA`s train
Ø Rafael corneaon trial
Ø Congo, one year on
